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Heylel Lucifer®™: The First Man Adam: Yahawashi is Lucifer the A.d.a.m the guardian Lord EaEnki®™
Lucifer: The First Man Adam: Dr. S. Y. Govender: 9781680199826 ... https://www.amazon.com/Lucifer-Dr-S-Y-Govender/dp/168019982X Lucifer: The First Man Adam [Dr. S. Y. Govender] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Traditional interpretation of the biblical references to you all so can go to @Pinterest News.. https://www.abebooks.com/products/isbn/168019982X?cm_mmc=AMZ-_-DetailPage-_-OOS-_-ISBN THE SCRIPTURE CONCERNED How art thou fallen from heaven, O LUCIFER, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! (Isaiah 14:12 AV) THE MEANING PEOPLE DRAW FROM THIS TRANSLATION Based on this translation people assume that (Satan) name used to be "Lucifer". That is totally, absolutely and completely wrong! It is in fact BLASPHEMY! (Satanos to Satan was made up by man's adversary of the A.d.a.m the Elohim. Was his First wife Lilith of the night. The eternal queen Therefore now hear, thou that art ...
ReplyDeleteJesus is a statue used in pagan religions by the pedo Draco empire Jesuit Zionist churches Mother Church Catholic church! Hebrew name Heylel is the #Truth in Latin translated to Lucifer Hebrew Anunnaki Lyrian/Draco Feline Race (9)crystalline crystals activated by #Ra marker Right hand (MX) After 146 years, Rockefeller family is exiting the oil business. Heirs to the oil fortune created by John D. ... The fund, which manages roughly $130 million, said it would immediately divest holdings of Exxon, as well as sell its investments in coal companies and tar sands-based oil producers. what that mean where moving back to Sun Power from Dark Crude to #Ra Sun light says the A'men abundant of light power ,homes, electric car technology etc says the A'men keep your eyes in the skies thanks X22 Report #QYAH to #Qtt to #Q #ED38399669SR https://denimsouthsocial.blogspot.com/2020/04/the-sun-is-rotating-clockwise-after-146.html by King LuciferYahawashi LordEaEnki®™
removing the wicked! patience April 2024 completion of Transfer from Dark to Light! A'men the ruler of Dark and Light! p.s to whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is #Christ(your connection to source the Father Y.H.W.HEaEnki) in you, the hope of glory: whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man perfect in Christ who is the soul of the Living Light of the Living God A'men! P.s no one has seen Godare knew his true Name because of these Draco Dark Witches!