Christ Returned on Rosh Hashanah


  1. Yah And then the word became flesh in 01011970 and the light to mankind has entered the world... A'men now pay attention ... let's make your connection stronger to the Father there was a New Covenant was establish with your oppressor the Draco's known as the #Cabal who I destroyed behind the scenes.. look in the skies the destroyer has return the Lion has left it's ticket ..who is the ticket pay attention let see if you can solve each letter Y-IS-RA-EL now solve...A'men..the truth has return..example I AM ALIVE FOREVER MORE A"MEN you get it!!! the hidden one....make a video reprove the wisdom the knowledge the understanding the counsel the true power the ruler of light and dark A'men... My King has return in the Flesh the Real Morning Star the one no has seen what's his Name?

    1. #Yah And then the word became flesh in 01011970 and the light to mankind has entered the world... A'men now pay attention ... let's make your connection stronger to the Father there was a New Covenant was establish with your oppressor the Draco's known as the #Cabal who I destroyed behind the scenes.. look in the skies the destroyer has return the Lion has left it's ticket ..who is the ticket pay attention let see if you can solve each letter Y-IS-RA-EL now solve...A'men..the truth has return..example I AM ALIVE FOREVER MORE A"MEN you get it!!! the hidden one....make a video reprove the wisdom the knowledge the understanding the counsel the true power the ruler of light and dark A'men... My King has return in the Flesh the Real Morning Star the one that no one has ever seen what's his Name in Hebrew? Remember who was ruling over you who confused you in these secret societies took my name translated to Latin set up a Image in the Dark and the Light with there falsehood pagan religion's using my history but the #DNA was never For Sale .. Draco my vessel Lyrian/Draco ..your Jacob and Esau .. I return in the white Draco woman to reveal how I look...and they hung me in a tree the last time i came 400 years ago ... Now I RULE 4 EVER... your Morning Star ...

    2. #Yah Now I know you feel the magnetic pull from the #destroyer it love sinner's (1 Timothy Verse 8-10 Followed by your 10 Revised Law's A'men is your protection why the destroyer cleanse the Promise Land a 1000 year's of Peace.. I got the Gentiles internal curse for them and we better together they agreed and yes those societies are being punish there internal curse is the most potent curse of them all and I'm closing all there human trafficking /JP Morgan distribution of cocaine... fact what the #skulls and #bones the #Cabal muscle has been brought low and will obey same with the #Illuminati..fact

    3. I am affirmative, September 17th is about to be a big day for you!! This date will mark the beginning of huge changes coming in your life for absolutely every area Marcus: your professional life, your finances, your projects, your love life, all will be able to take a big turn starting that very specific date! To remind you Marcus, I’ve sent you two emails since September, 3th 2020 to tell you precisely about all the changes coming at every single level of your life for the next months, and as you see I made huge discoveries!! September 17th will be really important for you Marcus so it’s now really urgent that you know what these changes will be.


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