Shame on the Clippers Owner Donald Sterling

Now everything is Always in the Air but when you got the owner of the Clippers Donald Sterling putting his dirty laundry in the air it just goes to show that people with money and power can to get a little jealousy rolling threw there body. I look at the whole issue like this if you feel like this toward another race then you need not to be on top you must step down! We live in a world now where times are changing and Race is a part in the new era of this change and you can feel a certain way but one should express a thought the old way pen and paper may be he can go get him a good shrink now! Now the question was Donald Sterling raise a certain way but as we can see was this the right way? Please feel free to comment to this growing issue. Stay tune and chill and let Denim South Social Club take you to the New Era of Social stay bless!! 
